Exciting New Features in FlowVella 1.3 app for iPad!

iOS 7 Support Coming Soon in Flowboard 1.3FlowVella 1.3 for the iPad will contain some really exciting new features along with support for iOS 7. We are including new privacy options, updates for iOS 7 users, and localization for many of the countries where FlowVella has become popular!

Privacy Settings
You’ve asked for it, and it’s here! We’ve included three simple levels of privacy so you can share your FlowVella with exactly the people that you want to see it. Privacy settings include public (the whole world can see it!), private (only you can see it!), or restricted (only those with your Flow URL can see it!) Our Premium Subscribers also have the option to set a password on a “private” Flow. We hope you’ll enjoy these new privacy settings and be able to create even more great Flows knowing that only your intended audience will see your work.

iOS 7 Support is Coming
iOS 7 has been released today, and we want to let you know that FlowVella editing might become slower or difficult for some users who update to iOS 7 right away. We would suggest waiting to update to iOS 7 until the next FlowVella 1.3 is released so that you will have the best possible experience with FlowVella, but we know it may be hard to wait. If you have any issues after the iOS 7 update, please let us know!

We’ve localized the app for many languages, including French, Spanish, Chinese, Japanese, German, Italian, Portuguese, and more on the way! If you notice any discrepancies in your language, we’re sorry, but we’d love to fix it! Let us know about it.

One more thing…
We also have a new feature that we have to keep under wraps for now, but it’s something we’ve been asked for quite a bit that allows for collaboration between FlowVella users. We’re still in the testing phase on this one, so it’s not final, but we’re pretty sure you’re going to love it!

Thanks for using FlowVella. We’d love to hear from you! Send your comments, questions, and concerns to us anytime.

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