Best Presentation Techniques Template

Best Presentation Techniques Template
We’ve created a brand new template perfect for your next presentation. We call it Best Presentation Techniques Template, but this template is perfect for your data, charts, and has a lot of space for some really beautiful imagery and stories. Best Presentation Techniques Template is a Premium template, which is free to Premium Subscribers, or can be purchased in-app for $1.99.
And since we’d like to think we know a thing or two about presentations, here are the 5 tips we cover in the template:
1. Grab Attention
You have about a minute and a half to grab your audience’s attention. Start off your presentation with a strong hook, and keep the momentum going for the rest of your talk.
2. Less is More
Keep the topics on each slide to a minimum. One topic per slide is probably best, and make sure you keep your sentences short and sweet.
3. Avoid Jargon
Careful of the language your using! If you’re presenting for an audience that is not familiar with your topic, avoid jargon so as to not confuse them.
4. Avoid Bullet Points
Make your slides more engaging! Instead of text and bullet points, try separating your information with images. A great way to do this is to add an image to one side of your slide and text on the opposite.
5. Tell a Story
Instead of presenting all facts and figures, use your presentation to craft a creative story. Stories are memorable, remarkable, and will give your audience something to talk about.
For more great presentation techniques, we highly recommend Nancy Duarte’s presentation tips, Guy Kawasaki’s 10/20/30 rule, and Forbes’ great presentation from great presenters.
We can’t wait to see what you create with this modern and bright Best Presentation Techniques template, and don’t forget to share your Flows with us!