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Improved education

Women's sufferage


The three reforms

1. Texas spent more money on schools by setting up colleges for higher learning.
2. Since commercial farming and big industry's were booming, Texas started putting more emphasis on training studesnt for jobs.
3. Schools started adding more classes like, agriculture, carpentry, and industrial tradesmen
4. School taxes were added after 1833.

1.Women were becoming active in politics and were against the constitution's law of not letting women vote.
2.In 1903, women established the Texas Women's Suffrage Association.
3. Women didn't have the right to vote, but were fighting for the right.
4.In 1918, they passed a bill that allowed women to vote in state primaries.

Began in 1886
1. They started to be concerned about the consumption of alcohol. They thought it caused crime, poverty, and family violence.
2.A movement to ban the manufacture and sale of alcohol
3. By 1911, 166 counties were dry, not allowing the sale of alcohol.
4. People were concerned about the effects of alcohol on young soldiers, so in 1918 Texas passed a law banning saloons within a 10-mile radius of military camps.

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Early Reforms in Texas

By Kelric