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Cystic Fibrosis


🔺lung infections




🔺poor growth

🔺weight loss


🔺fertility difficulties

Cause of Disease

mutations of the (CFTR) gene

autosomal recessive

inherited chronic disease

mucus clogs airways

thick, sticky mucus

mucus traps bacteria

Screening and Diagnosis

sweat test- sweat producing chemical, collected sweat tested for saltiness

genetic test- DNA samples from blood or saliva checked for specific defects on the gene responsible for cystic fibrosis.

Facts About Disease

1 in 29 Caucasian children have CF

Most children with CF diagnosed 

by age 2

life threatening disorder cannot be prevented

Treatments- Long Term Effects

▪️oxygen therapy

▪️inhaled medicines

▪️lung transplant

▪️chest psychotherapy

Other Interesting Facts

some people with CF have lived to their 40's and 50's!!

️️most common in white people of Northern-Eurpoean ancestry

by Jessica Noble

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By Jessica

Cystic Fibrosis