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Basic Facts
-It was first discovered in 1903.
-Around five million people in the world have Alzheimer's.
-It is a neurological brains disorder and is the most common form of dementia.
-Alzheimer's is more common in women then men.

-A person is usually older then 65.
-When you get older then 85 their is a 50% of getting the disease.
•Family History
-If a family member has the gene you are likely to develop it.
-The more family members have it the more likely you are to get it.
-Family history is a very strong factor.
-2 genes play a role.
- One gene is the risk gene.
-This gene increases the likely hood.
-In this gene there is APOE-e4 which makes the symptoms appear at a younger age and if you get this from a parent the risks of disease increase.

Stages of Alzheimer's
•Stage 1- Nothing happens to the human body and all function is normal.
•Step 2- Memory lapses begin to occur and things like forgetting everyday locations and objects begin to start.
•Step 3- People begin to notice the patients difficulties and the patients begin forgetting names, and places. Also they begin to have trouble in social situations and their organization starts to lack.
•Step 4- Victims start needing help with day to day things and the victims can't remember their addresses. Also the patient become fairly moody.
•Step 5- The patient becomes confused on the date and can't remember significant facts about themselves. They need personal help also.
•Step 6- The affected looses awareness of recent events and have difficulty with their personal history. The victim has trouble remembering family and need help eating and in the bathrooms. They also tend to wander.
•Step 7- The patient looses ability to control movement, carry on conversation,use the toilet and sit down. Even smile becomes difficult and reflexes become abnormal.

•Physical Exam
-A doctor does a standard checkup asking about substances, checks your vitals and collects blood and urine samples.
•Neurological Exam
-Reflexes, coordination,eye movement, speech and sensation are checked by doctor.
•Mental Status Exam
-Is aware of symptoms,dates and time and has a decent memory and can do calculations and can follow instructions.

Fun Facts
-Aggression can occur suddenly without any reason.
- A scientist named Alois Alzheimer discovered the disease.
- The likelihood of getting Alzheimer's doubles every 5 years after you reach the age of 65.

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By Shea Brennan