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The Temperate Rainforest
The spirit bear
The red fox
Human effects are: Humans are cutting down too many trees for deforestation. Trees in the temperate rainforest are decreasing due to humans cutting them down. Many birds and other animals that live in trees had to move away from there environment. Humans also have a positive effect on the rainforest, they us wind farms to get energy instead of fossil fuels which reduces the air pollution.
5 interesting facts are:
1. These Forests can be found in temperate regions of North america, South America, Europe, east Asia, Australia, and New Zealand. There are found in Regions effected by warm ocean currents.
2. Temperate forests receive from sixty to two hundred inches of rain annually.
3. Rainforests have a major change in seasons. they have a dry season and a long wet season.
4. The largest temperate rainforests in the world are found in North America.
5. Due to the large amount of rainfall, plants thrive in this biome. Encluding trees that grow very high.
Mosses and ferns grow up the side of other plants to reach sunlight. Seedlings grow on nurse logs and take advantage of the decomposing tree nutrients.The amount of precipritation alows trees to adapt to grow higher.
Animals have to adapt to changing seasons, they have to be able to deal with cold winters and hot summers. Some animals hibernate and some fly away for the winter. Animals theta do not hibernate or fly away have to deal with being more exposed to predators in the winter.
As the seasons Change so do the leaves. In the summer their broad green leave help collect sunlight to make food for the tree. In the winter the trees go into dormancy.
Plants are the Stinging needle, the western red cedar, cattail.