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After 1790, a new religious movement was sweeping the United States, converting many and bringing the people back to church. The Second Great Awakening introduced the American people to a new way of accepting the Christian faith, using passionate preachers and new ideals. These preachers rejected the old world idea that God predetermined whether one was going to heaven or hell. Instead, these new preachers insisted that you, the christian, has a responsibility for seeking salvation, and that in order to get into heaven you have to be good according to the church.
Religious ideas in the early 19th century promoted individualism and responsibility. Churches disputed over these ideals, as various denominations of the Church competed for more converters. These church gatherings, called revivals, rallied thousands of people at their outdoor camps, converting many to these new ideas.

The Second Great Awakening

These revivals usually lasted or 5 days. People would come and camp in a rural area as they partook in religious activities with the other people.

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By HaasCassandraJ