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Oil is the only thing in SWANA. While SWANA is indeed full of oil, it is also home to many different religions and cultures, and the economies are increasingly moving away from oil to ensure future success, because oil is nonrenewable.

It is just a giant desert. SWANA does contain the world's largest desert, the Sahara, but it also has mountains, and some pretty wet areas where vegetation can thrive.

Muslims are crazy: There are indeed very crazy, extremist people in the Muslim religion that are part of some terrorist groups. However, every religion has its crazy people; Islamic people are not inherently bad

The Middle East is completely uncivilized: SWANA contains many urbanized sections, that are highly developed and advanced. For example, the U.A.E. contains the Burj Khalifa, the tallest skyscraper, for now.

Why SWANA is important: One of the most important parts of this region is the oil it contains. Sometimes, conflicts here can restrict oil exporting, which would majorly affect the rest of the world. Another reason is that Christianity, Judaism, and Islam were all founded here, and over half of the world practices these religions! Also, SWANA is an area of emerging major power. It has much potential, but ethnic conflict and conflict in General has held it back for decades. If the conflict could be resolved, then SWANA could eventually become very powerful, especially with the plenty of oil money.


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SWANA Project

By BrandonHardy222

By Avery Heimann and Brandon Hardy, 4th period