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The farmers were severely affected because the land wasn't fertile enough to farm because there wasn't any topsoil to plant crops in because it had been used up by four generations of farmers. There use to be 6 inches of topsoil, but now there's nothing. Not just the farmers were suffering, everybody in America was suffering. One, they didn't have much food because farmers could grow crops. Two, there was no money to get anything. Three, everybody was living in horrible conditions because they had no money to buy clothes, or bedding. So basically everyone was living like homeless person.

The Effects of the Dust Bowl on Farmers and People of America

The Dust Bowl was from 1931-1939. It was caused by farmers overworking the land and severe drought. This time period is called the Dust Bowl because of the dust storms that raked the United States every two days or so. These dust storms were HUGE!!! They could be up to 200 miles wide and have about 375 million tons (750 billion pounds) of dust in it. That's enormous! Most of the dust came from Colorado, Kansas, Oklahoma, And Texas. Most of the people that died during the Dust Bowl died from the dust storms. They inhaled too much dust and they couldn't get enough oxygen. This was called dust pneumonia or the brown plague.

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The Great Depression, Dust Bowl, And New Deal

By Connor