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Prometheus was a Titan who created men from clay. He also stole fire
from the sun to give to man. His actions angered Zeus, the king of the
gods, who in turn condemned Prometheus for his actions. He was bound
to a rock for eternity while an eagle constantly pecked at his liver.

Our "Frankenstein" of Brain compact! No beat
Of heart, no fancy, twinkle of the eye,
No human weaknesses, false notes, belie
Our New Prometheus; sheer from crown to feet
Cast-steel'd, in brain-proof panoply complete!
No tribute of a tear, no passing sigh
For victims claimed by stern Philosophy;
Hers the sole altar, hers the incense sweet!
Pluck "the old woman" out! broomstick and cat
Were sent to the Devil long ago, I trow;
Let "Devil" follow suit, with owl and bat!
No hankering for Old Egypt's flesh-pots; vow
And prayer to gods of clay! Reason holds at
The Temple's gates the keys, not Peter now!

"The New Prometheus, after J. S. Mill's 'Prescription'"

Henry Ellison from Stones from the Quarry (1875)

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By Trisha