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3.1 Part 3. In this part you will present the method, results and analysis for our investigation into the affects of caffeine on heart rate. This investigation will be conducted as a double blind test.


1. You need to work in groups of three, a doctor and two test subjects.

2. The doctor will take and record the resting pulse rate of the two test subjects.

3. The doctor will now give a cup containing 25ml of cola A to subject A and a cup of cola B to subject B. The subjects drink the cola.

4. The subjects now wait for 5 minutes and then the doctor will take and record their pulse rates again.

5. You now repeat steps 3 and 4 another 3 times.


This investigation reproduces the way in which a new drug is trialled in a double blind test - neither the doctor or the subjects know if they have the new drug or a placebo (some thing that looks and tastes like the drug but has no active ingredients).

Some colas contain caffeine and others don't. The purpose of this investigation is to see if the doctor can prove a difference between the two "treatments".

One of the effects of caffeine on the body is to cause an increase in the heart rate.

What do you need to record.

In the newsletter you will need to write a report on what you have done. This will include...

A) a brief description of the method

B) your results in a table and presented as a graph

C) an analysis of your data to say if you think there is a difference between the two treatments and how you have reached this decision.

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B 1.3 Medicine and drugs

By Mr P Scarbrough

A Flowboard for students following AQA GCSE science A or Biology unit 1 part 3. This is a six or seven hour project using class time and homework to complete.