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-weather is an average of 18 degrees, 66 degrees fahrenheit
-cold and cloudy🌾⛅️
-weather is between 12-19 degrees most of the time☁️
-we recommend you to wear sweaters, jackets, pants,👖blankets,warm clothes, boots👢👌 & plenty of warm socks
-hotels= Exe las canteras it's is 7.5, near a great, big beach with under $100 a night🏊
weather= the average is 18 degrees Celsius 67 degrees feign height
clothes= pants, shorts, tank tops, polos, regular shoes such as tennis or vans or jays😎
A light sweater and a hat or glasses for the sun
month to vist= all year round with weather and holidays
things to do= el múseo carnario, jardin carnario, real club de Golf de las palmas
flight cost= $1,485 round trip

Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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Un Viaje a Espana (spanish proj)

By Megan Logan

Megan Logan Kaylah Escobedo Jasmin Montoya Anyah Smith