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To Knit you have to know how to caste on. Casting on is used throughout knitting.

Step Two- Casting On

First, you hold the needle with your slip knot in your left hand. And your other needle in your right hand. Second you put the needle, in your right hand, into the slip knot. Make sure you form an X. The right hand needle is behind the left.
Third, take the longest piece of yarn and gently wrap it around your right hand needle. The yarn should be almost in between the two needles. Fourth, move you right hand needle back till the tip is touching the wrapt piece of yarn. Fifth, you need to pull the right hand needle out while taking that piece of yarn with it. I have found it useful to almost push the yarn through the yarn through. Finally, now that you have yarn on to needles, take the right hand needle and use it to put the new loop you made onto your left hand needle. Continue to cast on until the width is the size for your project.


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How Knit

By Madison Bruneau

It is in the tittle