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Cortés is described as a sickly child by his biographer, chaplain, and friend Francisco López de Gómara. At the age of 14, Cortés was sent to study at the University of Salamanca. This was the great center of learning of the country and while accounts vary as to the nature of Cortés' studies, his later writings and actions suggest he studied law and probably Latin.

In 1517 Cuban governor Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, commissioned a fleet of three ships under the command of Hernández de Córdoba to sail west and explore the Yucatán peninsula. Córdoba reached the coast and the Mayans at Cape Catoche invited the Spaniards to land. Córdoba took two prisoners whom he named Melchor and Julian to be interpreters. On the western side of the Yucatán, the Spaniards were attacked at night by Maya chief Mochcouoh (Mochh Couoh). Twenty Spaniards were killed. Córdoba was mortally wounded and only a remnant of his crew returned to Cuba.

In 1503 at the age of 18, Cortés sailed in a convoy of merchant ships bound for Santo Domingo, the capital of Hispaniola. He finally reached Hispaniola in a ship commanded by Alonso Quintero, who tried to deceive his superiors and reach the New World before them in order to secure personal advantages. Quintero's mutinous conduct may have served as a model for Cortés in his subsequent career. The history of the conquistadors is rife with accounts of rivalry, jockeying for position, mutiny and betrayal.[1]

In 1511, he accompanied Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar, an aide of the governor of Hispaniola, in his expedition to conquer Cuba. At the age of 26, Cortés was made clerk to the treasurer, with the responsibility of making sure the king of Spain got one-fifth of the profits from gold and slaves.

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Moderna Muted Presentation

By Raheem Rush