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Mummification was when the Egyptians preserved a body. They wrapped the body with white cloth. In class, we took a box and a plastic doll. We wrapped the doll with the white cloth and put it in a box.

The Egyptians mummified special people like Pharoahs, leaders, rulers, Generals, and royalty. They put the mummies in special tombs called pyramids. They put the bodies under the pyramids.

These are the canopic jars. They represent the different parts of the body (the liver, the esophagus, the lungs).We made a cylinder and then made the face all with playdoh.

The canopic jars represent animals like a German Shephard, a baboon, a bird, and a human head.

This is an Esophgaus. It is a special tomb that people were used for mummification. We used a box to put the person in.

Egypt is a place on Earth where very important people like Pharohs,Gods,slaves lived. We made it using and cutting card board boxes

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World History Slide Presentation

By Tyler