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Jihad- war or struggle against unbelievers.
Madrasa- a college for Islamic instruction.
Sharia- a strict interpretation Muslim land.
Mujahideen- guerrilla fighters in Islamic countries esp. Those who are fighting against non Muslim forces.
Mullah- a Muslim learned in Islamic theology and sacred law.
Burka- long loose garment covering the whole body from head to feet worn in public by man muslim women.
Koran- bibles for Muslims.
Talib- student particularly a student of Islam who may study in a mardrasa or with a religious teacher.
Pushtun- a member of a pastor speaking people inhabiting southern Afghanistan and north western packistan.
Mullah Omar- reclusive Afghanistani politician and leader of the Taliban who Imposed a strict interpretation of shariah law of Afghanistan (born 1960)

Some Taliban definitions

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By Logyn Scribner