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Life of Andrew Johnson

Born: December 29, 1808 in Raleigh North Carolina
Died: January 31,1875
Spouse: Eliza McCardle-Johnson
Children: Martha Johnson-Patterson, Charles Johnson, Mary Johnson Stover Brown, Robert Johnson, Andrew Johnson Jr.

Andrew Johnson's father died when Andrew was three. He grew up in poverty with his mother and was unable to attend school because they could not afford it, found a job at a tailoring shop. Moved to Tennessee with his mother in his teens and started his own successful tailoring business. When he married, his wife helped him with an education by teaching him herself. He went on to serve in Tennessee House of Representatives and was later elected to the U.S. House. He returned to Tennessee to be the Governor, and later returned to the U.S. Congress as a senator. Lincoln named him as the Military Governor of Tennessee, and later was appointed to Vice President.

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Andrew Johnson

By Roxanne Peters