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Yes they do hold elections and the most recent one was on February 20, 2014. The next one is expected to be in July, 2014.

Will there be elections? If so when?




What key challenges do they face today?

Libya faces its own challenges. An immediate one is disarming the militias that toppled Gadhafi and replacing them with a competent national military as well as with effective local police forces. A second challenge is to get Libya’s economy going again. Here Libyans have the wind at their back. They have what the world wants—oil. The western companies that produce most of Libya’s oil have all returned and restarted production. The third challenge is the hardest—to build a stable, effective, and legitimate political system. Most revolutions stumble on just this obstacle. Agreement on toppling the old ruler gives way to disagreement over what should come next. The competing news briefings that Libyan officials gave today on Gadhafi’s death highlight the divisions that exist within the National Transitional Council.

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By Brianna