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Urashima Taro and the Princess of the sea


Tuck Everlasting


Tuck and Urashima have something in common(Their theme ). One theme from both stories is "Death is part of life". In Tuck Everlasing Winnie has to decide to live forever or die but at the end she picks death because she learns the meaning of life. In Urashima Taro and the Princess of the Sea Urashima gets a chance to meet the princess of the sea. So he chooses to meet her, but what he does not realize that he stay with her for 300 years! When he leaves the princess gives him a box and tells him not to open it. He returns but realizes that EVERYONE he knows is dead. So he decides to open the box and then............ HE TURNS OLD and chooses death as we'll. this is what the both stories have on common!

What should I pick?😕

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The Mythology of Treegap

By Andy Toxtle