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The Condition begins at birth at birth and cause heart attacks at an early age.
-Fatty skin deposits called xanthomas over parts of the hands, elbows, knees, ankles, and around the cornea of the eye.
-Cholesterol deposits in the eyelids (xanthelasmas).
-Chest pain(angina) or other or coronary aretry disease may be present at young age.
-High Cholesterol levels and LDL cholesterol.
-Elevated and therapy-resistant levels of LDL in either or both parents.
Prognosis (Life Expectancy): Depends on how well treatment goes.
-Diet changes, exercise, and medications can lower cholesterol levels for those with the milder form of this disorder, and may significantly delay a heart attacks.
-Risk of death varies among patients.
-Heart attack and death may occur before the age 30.
-Persons who inherit two copies of the defective gene have a poorer outcome.
-That type of familial hypercholesterolemia causes early heart attacks and is resistant to treatment.
Clinical Description
Occurrence :
-One in 500.
-Ethnicity : Ethnic groups. Some of these groups include people of French Canadian, Christian Lebanese , and South African Afrikaner and Ashkenazi Jeiwish.
Treatment : The goal of the treatment is to reduce the risk of heart disease. Before recommends of medicines, diet has to change. Diet changes including the amount of fat you eat so that it is less than 30% of total calories.
-Eat less chicken, beef, pork, lamb,
-Substitute low-fat dairy products for full-fat ones
-Eliminate coconut & palm oils.
-Reduce the amount of cholesterol eat by eliminating egg yolks & organ means .
-Counseling if often helpful to help people change eating habits , weight loss & regular exercise may locker cholesterol levels.
Medications : Bible acid -sequestering resins
-ezetimibem ,
-and nicotinic acid.