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- Most bottled waters are from the tap
- Plastic bottles use alot of oil
- We're running out of resources to make plastic- oil is not infinite
- platsic everywhere in the ocean
- plastic may leach chemicals into water
- "Researchers traced the “microplastic” back to synthetic clothes, which released up to 1,900 tiny fibres per garment every time they were washed. Earlier research showed plastic smaller than 1mm were being eaten by animals and getting into the food chain."
- "Around the world only 30% of plastic is recycled so that means 66.6 billion of these bottles will go into landfill or worse still, into the oceans. The caps on water bottles are still not recyclable so that means 200 billion bottle caps in our world that won’t break down, they’ll last forever."

About Plastic Water Bottles

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NEST Water Bottle Presentation

By evaf2795

By: Eva Fuerte