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Jesus of Nazareth

c. 33 A.D.

Christianity was founded in Palestine in the 1st century C.E.

The spread of Christianity occurred through the disciples of Jesus who spread Jesus's teachings to the rest of the world and gained followers.

Jesus of Nazareth established Christianity to cleanse the issues in the Jewish religion of stiff rituals and haughty leaders. One such issue was a long-standing belief in the coming of Messiah and rigidities that had developed in the Jewish priesthood.

Jesus of Nazareth preached in Israel during the time of Augustus, urging a purification of the Jewish religion that would free Israel. He urged a moral code based on love, charity, and humility which won many followers especially among the poor. The Roman leaders swiftly realized that Jesus was a dangerous agitator and put him to death. Jesus's followers believe he was resurrected on the third day after his death, proving that he was the Son of God. This belief gained many followers in the Middle East and many Jewish people converted into Christianity.

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Christianity Profile

By Srujan