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Theme/ Historical Relevance

Love and wanting to be loved

In this novel love would be shown when jane goes and sneaks out to see Helen because she is sick. Jane sneaks out to see her one last time before she dies. Even though Helen tells jane that she feels no pain she does and Helen doesn't want jane to worry about her and Doesn't want people feeling sorry for her.“I am very happy, Jane; and when you hear that I am dead, you must be sure and not grieve: there is nothing to grieve about.” Bronte (page219)

Women's Role in the Victorian Era
Jane is the exact opposite of what the classic Victorian woman was. Jane is strong-minded and very outspoken. She quickly says what is on her mind, which gets her into a lot of trouble. Although these traits differ her from a Victorian woman, her job as a governess is an occupation that many women wanted at that time. This allows Jane to have some relation to a Victorian Era lady.
This novel, is different that a normal Victorian era book because the main character is a strong, independent lady, Jane Eyre. The Victorian society viewed women as a lower class than men and that they must follow what men say being that women are dependent. Jane's personality completely goes against these beliefs.l

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Jane Erye

By Reianna Graves