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Interviewer: What is the Salt March?
Gandhi: the Salt March is when I decided to take a stand against the harsh monopoly that the British have on salt. Even though natural salt is readily available at sea, the British are forcing us Indians to buy only salt from the monopoly.
Interviewer: Your ideas are very interesting, I noticed. How do you feel about the untouchables?
Gandhi: I strongly feel that they are treated unjustly and I will do anything in power to make sure the harsh treatment they are receiving ceases. As long as what I do falls under the aspects of civil disobedience, I will continue to strive for peace.
Interviewer: What does your theory embrace?
Gandhi: My theory embraces traditional Hindu values and follows all they believe.
Interviewer: What does your philosophy reflect?
Gandhi: Western and Indian influences are very much a part of my philosophy

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Indian Nationalism

By Sofia Curry