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Indian nationalism refers to the many underlying forces that defined the principles of the Indian independence movement, and strongly continue to influence the politics of India, as well as being the heart of many contrasting ideologies that have caused ethnic and religious conflict in Indian

rise in Indian nationalism causes conflict

The Political Unrest in India

In the past few weeks India has been in a state of unrest because of what they are calling "The Amritsar Massacre". At this massacre a peaceful Indian crowd gathered ignoring British commander, General Reginald Dyer's command banning all public gatherings. As multiple Indian leaders spoke to the crowd Dyer and 50 of his soldiers shot into an unarmed crowed. This action he took killed 400 and injured 1,100 civilians. Now because of this massacre India is fighting for self government.

India is in a politician unrest not only because of the actions of the general but also because Britain did not keep their promise of letting india be more independent of they helped during the war, which they did. The Indian National Congress party was having no luck with getting self rule until recently a new leader arose named Mohandas Gandhi. he has been able to unite India across class lines. (Interview with Gandhi on Pg. 2)

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Indian Nationalism

By Sofia Curry