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Mark Twain



Twain was referenced to as the "Dean of American Literature", using his writing skills to influence the youth of many decades. Like Douglas, majority of Twain's writings had strong, independent men as the main characters. Stories like "Huck Finn" and "Tom Sawyer" incorporated themes of both racism and class, while focusing on two strong male figures coming of age.

Mark Twain was extremely against slavery and racism during his time. In his story of Huck Finn, the young boy is forced to apologize to a black man. "It was fifteen minutes before I could work myself up to go and humble myself to a nigger; but I done it, and I warn't ever sorry for it afterwards, neither. I didn't do him no more mean tricks, and I wouldn't done that one if I'd a knowed it would make him feel that way." This passage really exemplifies Twain's ideals towards blacks and their treatment. Whites were always taught to condescend to blacks, but like Huck, Twain believes that he must strive to complete tasks that are morally right.



Twain spoke about how he did not believe there was any "distinct American criminal class - except congress"; as he detested the government. In his biography, he speaks of how idiotic he believes congressmen are. Due to his strong anti-authoritative beliefs, Twain remained free and poor the remainder of his life. He wrote for his enjoyment instead of fame; therefore, he never met wealth with his talents.

Born Samuel Clemens, Twain's father died by the time he had turned 11 and he left school after the fifth grade. He pursued his journalist dream by becoming a printer's apprentice and soon graduated to becoming a typesetter and article writer.

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Pt. 2

By lattetay