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How are laws changed?

Focus on common law, statute law and how the constitution is changed.

Reasons why they change laws.

Laws have changed due to changing opinions and beliefs of the majority of society. This is due to the fact that when most people agree with the laws that have been made, those laws will be respected and therefore more easily to enforce.

Statute laws.

Statute laws are made by parliament, this is where parliament puts forward a bill and this bill is the pass both the upper and the lower house.

To change a statute law, a new bill must be put forward (this is also known as an amendment) and must pass the same process of making a new law.

To make or change a statute law is a lengthy process and can involve a large amount of debate, each member of parliament may speak either for or against before it is voted on, the bill must pass through the two Houses of Parliament (upper and lower) must agree on the bill.

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Australian legal system

By Kaav22