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I find God in my family because they encourage me to grow in faith and are always there for me when I am in need

I find God in my friends because they are always there to make me smile when I have a bad day, and we are always there for each other.

I find God in animals, such as my pet rabbit, because they all share goodness, peace, and beauty.

I find God in nature because it shows how God created the beauty and peacefulness of the world.

I find God in Salesian because this school provides us spiritual and academic teachings.

I find God in church, such as St. Joseph Church, because God is always there to teach and expand our faith.

I find God in prayer because I can always count on God to listen to my prayers, and it makes my faith stronger.

I find God in science because all things around us are gifts not just from God, but also from science.









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Where I Find God

By Carmina Delos Reyes