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Catholic Earthcare is the ecological agency for the Catholic Church in Australia. Their mission is to enable a loving and sustainable relationship with the natural world through environmental education, research, national networks and transformation. Through their work, including key initiatives such as the Assisi project ( an international fellowship of ‘Franciscans in Spirit’ with friends and followers in the United States, Canada, Europe, and Africa. They are dedicated to helping Christian believers of all ages to more faithfully live the Gospel of Christ in the spirit of Saint Francis and Clare of Assisi), the National Energy Efficiency Network and the Global Catholic Climate Movement, they promote the understanding that our environment is sacred and endangered and must be protected and sustained for present and future generations. They invite all people of goodwill to journey with them in the most critical and urgent of tasks. They are trying to safeguard the integrity of Creation, acting on climate change, protecting Earth’s fragile ecosystems and providing a voice for the victims of environmental degradation, injustice and pollution.

Catholic Earthcare

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Dominion Over Creation

By bella