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The political party would protect the right to bear arms. Guns do NOT kill people. People kill people. If guns kill people then pencils write essays and cars crash themselves. A gun is just a piece of metal without someone controlling it. (Basically guns don't grow arms and legs and walk around killing people.) I understand that when guns or any other weapons get in the wrong hands, bad things can happen. However, people who won't do anything wrong, should have no problem getting a gun. Before getting a gun, you should get a background check. If you are a convicted felon you shouldn't get a gun. Also, there is no reason for a civilian to own armor piercing or exploding bullets. One of the main purposes for a gun is hunting and a deer will not be wearing Kevlar.

My political party would make it illegal for the city to take away someone's house if they don't do anything wrong. If the city wants to build a highway, they can take your house away and you can't do anything about it. I understand that if you don't pay taxes or your house is not safe to live in, the city should be able to take your house. If you do everything right, the city shouldn't be able to take your house for any reason.

The Common Sense Party

My political party would also make marijuana legal for medical use. I don't believe in recreational marijuana. That can cause problems. Marijuana helps patients of glaucoma, cancer, and various other diseases, have better quality of life. Certain cannabinoid drugs have been approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to relieve nausea and vomiting and increase appetite in people with cancer and AIDS. To get medical marijuana, you should have a card and the card should have your picture so nobody steals someone's card or nobody gives away their card.

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By John