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-The first founded colony of Virginia, Roanoke was lost and still is to this day

-More than 20 years before the first Englishman landed in Jamestown there were 3 attempts to colonize Virginia

-1585- first attempt was established by 108 men, many died and the rest were taken back to England

-when Francis Drake visited the settlement with a relief ship of supplies and found nobody there, he went back to England leaving 17 men to keep the claim on North America for England

-1587-the third attempt was led by John White this time with 117 men, women and children. When they landed in Roanoke there was no trace of the 17 men left there a year ago. John White was elected governor and his grandchild, Virginia Dare, was the first child born in the new world. Soon after White left for England to get supplies because it was too late in the year to plant crops.

He unfortunately didn't return to Roanoke for 3 years due to a naval war with Spain (that led to the defeat of the famous Spanish Armada in 1588). 

-1590-White finally returned to find the colony in ruins with broken armor, rotting trees and burning grass. He found CROATOAN carved in one tree and CRO carved in another. Neither had a cross meaning the colony wasn't abandoned for danger, but another reason that to this day hasn't been solved.

-White never found his family or knew their fate

Mystery of Roanoke

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The Colony of Virginia

By Austin Wallace

By Jack, Austin and Emmerson