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        Epidemic Diseases

A. What diseases made their way to the New Word and affected the Native Americans?

*Smallpox, measles, diphtheria, whooping cough, and influenza. 

B. Why didn’t the Native Americans have success fighting against these diseases?

*they had no immunity to the pathogens. 

           Population Changes

A. How did these Epidemic Diseases affect the populations of the New World and the Old World? (Statistics?)

*Black Death, it was estimated to kill 30-60% of Europes population. When explorers traveled to the New World the year right after they arrived 50% of the population had died. 

B. How far did diseases like Smallpox spread in the Americas? How many people died between 1500­-1800?

*Diseases mainly spread to the native american tribes, but the most damage was done in highly concentrated areas. 100 million people died between 1500-1800.


A. What types of food products were traded between the New World and Old World?

*potatoes, sweet potatoes, maize, cassava, tomatoes, cacao, and chili peppers

B. Analyze the Middle Passage and explain what took place.

*The middle passage was used to crate slaves from west Africa to the West Indies. The slaves would be thrown to the  bottom of the ship skin to skin, one on top of the other. They were rarely fed and they made air holes for the slaves to breath. The bodies of the dead were simply thrown overboard.

The Colombian Exchange

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The Colombian exchange

By Amf8917