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🔹 So Rock comes from the African side of the music tree.

Rock is more relevant, more modern.

ock is more lyrics in some cases, that's how rockers tell the story of their song.

ck has less instruments in a concert.

🔹 Ro
ck has more subgenras because I can name about 20 subgenres.

🔹 Roc
k is not very fancy like you wouldn't go to the carnage hall and hear rock.


🔹 But classic is from the European side of the tree.

🔹 But classical is older, not much people talk about it or they might not listen to it.

Wile classic is more instruments than lyrics.

t classical always has a orchestra there.

with classical it's just classical.

with classical it's very fancy like you would hear it in the carnage hall where it elegant and very fancy.

Rock Classic

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By sam