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13 When Jesus heard that John had been killed, He went from there by boat to a desert. He wanted to be alone. When the people knew it, they followed after Him by land from the cities. 14 When He got out of the boat, He saw many people. He had loving-pity for them and healed those who were sick.

15 When it was evening, His followers came to Him. They said, “This is a desert. The day is past. Send the people away so they may go into the towns and buy food for themselves.”

16 Jesus said to them, “They do not have to go away. Give them something to eat.” 17 They said to Him, “We have only five loaves of bread and two fish.” 18 Jesus said, “Bring them to Me.”

feeding the 5,000

19 He told the people to sit down on the grass. Then He took the five loaves of bread and two fish. He looked up to heaven and gave thanks. He broke the loaves in pieces and gave them to His followers. The followers gave them to the people. 20 They all ate and were filled. They picked up twelve baskets full of pieces of bread and fish after the people were finished eating. 21 About five thousand men ate. Women and children ate also.

Matthew 14:13-21

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2017 Prayer- Riverside COGOP

By brianortega