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Strategies that can be used to combat Noise Pollution

Insulation -

This stops the moving of noise by using a large barrier. Common materials have high-density levels such as brick, thick glass, concrete, metal etc.

Absorption -

A spongey material which acts as a ‘noise sponge’ by turning the sound energy into heat energy in the material. Common sound absorption materials include decoupled lead-based tiles, open cell foams and fiberglass

Dampening -

The damping strategy works by extracting the vibration energy from a thin sheet and demolishing it as heat. A common material is sound deadened steel.

Isolation -

This prevents moving of vibration energy from the source to another material by introducing a flexible material or a physical break between them. Common vibration isolators are springs, rubber mounts, corks etc.

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What is Noise Control

By dexter10