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The 10 Sentences ! ! !

1)We rally around the flag- they gathered around the flag.

2)Boys rally once again- they gathered around the flag again.

3)Shouting the battle cry of freedom- they were shouting the freedom of their country.

4)We will rally from the hill side- they would charge up the hill side.

5)Gather from the plains- gathering and getting ready for a fight.

6)The union forever- will never separate.

7)Hurrah boys hurrah!- they were shouting a chant to get them ready for battle.

8)Down with the traitor, up with the stars- down with the people who tried to separate with the south.

9)we are springing to the call- they were going into fight.

10)of our bothers gone before- fellow soldiers who died in battle.

11)and we will fill the vacant racks- we will restore freedom.

12)with a million freemen more- more freedom for all.

13)we will welcome to our numbers- they are saying the will welcome more fighters.

14)the loyal, true and brave- to the people that respect us and the true fighters and the people that are willing to fight with us.

15)And altho' the may be poor- they don't have as much money as other people.

16)not a man shall be a slave- no one should be a slave because slaves aren't right.

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Civil War Music - Battle Cry of Freedom // By kyle McHugh and Nick Pavlosky

By Nick Pavlosky