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Message from the MCP
I have never been prouder of a major decision in my life than the one I took to apply for MCP here with AIESEC in Albania. I came in to this role with the pure intention of making an impact in an entity where I, on a daily basis, feel the relevance of AIESEC in this amazing country. Not a day goes by where I don’t feel challenged both from a professional and personal standpoint. This experience has tested me, frustrated me, knocked me down and hit me hard, but it also has given me the most amazing learning experience I’ve ever had. Being MCP here has constantly tested the limits of my current thinking, challenegd me to grow, enlightened me to open my mind and shed light on my own personal journey and life path, my experiencee here has been nothing short of life changing and it is change that i firmly believe I could not have gained anywhere else… all that being said and I’m still only 5 months into my term.
Being the MCP of an entity like AIESEC in Albania, the fastest growing expansion initiative in AIESEC history, the youngest entity to be honoured with the Global Excellence award is an incredible challenge. Nothing comes easy and nothing is handed to you, everyday is a constant struggle and incredibly time-consuming work, but no experience would be as rewarding and as meaningful.
I invite you: The Few, The Brave, The Passionate, The Driven to embark on this amazing life-changing opportunity. AIESEC in Albania is growing at an amazing rate and I challenge you as I challenge myself to be the catalyst of change in this entity. Be the leader that AIESEC will need in Albania and be the leader that Albanians need through AIESEC.
Thank You and I’m very much looking forward to your application
Kind Regards,
Carl Chiang | MCP 1415
chiang,[email protected]