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- Apple clearly has the rights to their patents. Samsung could not be more in the wrong. Firstly, Apple's patents and copyrights are before Samsung's. The iPhone series has been around longer than the Galaxy series and all of its designs are quite similar even as they aged. When the Galaxys came out, some of their designs ended up being more similar to Apple's, not the other way around. When comparing the iPhone 4S to the Samsung Galaxy S3, I found that the iPhone seemed to definitely be more original than the Galaxy. The Galaxy seemed to be more of a copycat.


- According to the given information of the Apple patents, Apple had the right to sue Samsung. The phones made by each company are obviously very similar, but did anyone really think about why this may be? Apple had patented many different designs that Samsung stole and just made it look a little different. The designs may look a little bit different but they function the same way. For example, the "home" button for each are both on the screen side on the bottom middle. This may seem like a small detail but even though the buttons may be shaped differently, they have the same function. Also, more simple ideas that Apple had first were such as the placement and function of the on/off button, the camera, the volume button, the jack for headphones and the charging slot. Although it is hard to compare such similar products, Apple had all rights in suing Samsung for taking their ideas because they had the designs first and they owned the design. Samsung should have asked permission to use Apple's patents and not just try to change them a little to make it seem like their own.


- Apple clearly stated what they had patented and included over a dozen of pictures of their designs. Samsung had disregarded this and created products too similar to be ignored. Apple had every right to sue Sony because Samsung and stolen Apple's design. Samsung was wrong for their lack to acknowledge Apple's rights and patents.


- While the designs are very similar and difficult to tell apart in some cases for some parts, based on the patent information, Samsung clearly infringed on Apple's copyrights. Each of the two companies' products and their functions were too close for it to be coincidental. Additionally, Apple's designs were chronologically earlier than Samsung's. Based on this information, the patent copyrights for the products should be granted to Apple.

Engineer's Opinions

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Apple vs. Samsung

By hhaley17