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Harnessing the power of great storytelling to inspire others to change the world around them.

Bruce is a transmedia creator using new technology and web platforms for storytelling with motion and sound. A graduate of Vancouver Film School, he focuses on video shorts involving people, place and purpose. A passionate solutions thinker for becoming good stewards of the earth, Bruce imagines possibility where others see limitations. He believes we have what we need available to create possibilities, and imagination is our greatest asset. His superpower is in investigative research, with an unbounded curiosity for the unknown.

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Bruce Weaver Transmedia Producer

By Bruce Weaver

It's a brave new world for storytellers and storytelling! Equipped with a modern, DLSR for video and photography when needed, its my iPhone, iPad and GoPro camera that have become my "go-to" system for transmedia productions. This set-up is light and flexible, allowing me to shoot and edit short stories on-the-run. My iPad and iPhone are loaded with the best apps for transmedia production and my social media platforms are dialed-in from instagram, tweeter, Facebook and Google Plus. I use web based storytelling platforms such as Racontr, Storehouse and Flowvella and with maps(google earth), photos, videos, audio, as a storyteller, I have unlimited ways to tell a story and help an audience engage the stories of this brave new world.