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Trends in Data Charts

Adélie Penguin Data Set- The amount of breeding pairs started very high but finished all the way at the bottom around 400 pairs.

Sea Ice Data Set- The area of sea ice started really high but, after a bunch of spikes in the area of ice in the Antarctic Peninsula, they ended quite low.

Winter Snow Data Set- The percent of precipitation that occurs as snow started decently low but ended up towards the top. In 2001, 90% of precipitation came occurred in the form of snow.

Chinstrap Penguin Data Set- The amount of breeding pairs started very low (10 breeding pairs) but ended at about 250-350 pairs for this breed of penguin.

Krill Data Set- The density of Krill in the Southern Ocean started very high (91 Krill/ square M) but finished dangerously low (3 Krill/ square M)

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Penguin Data Charts

By Hannibal_x9