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Beautiful Medusa Becomes A Monster

Many years ago in Ancient Greece, there was a beautiful goddess named Medusa. Medusa loved to brag about her good looks to everyone in the city. If no one was around, she would look in the mirror and admire herself. 

One day, Medusa went to the Parthenon which was a huge temple to the gods, and she looked at all the statues. She compared every statue she saw to herself, and she thought she was prettier than all of them, even the statue of the goddess Athena. Athena heard what she said and confronted her. Athena said, " Medusa, there is more to life than beauty alone." Then, she turned her into a terrible monster. Her hair became hissing snakes and her body became like a reptile.

Anyone who looked at Medusa would turn to stone. Her beauty was gone and so were all her admirers!

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