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-Movement: Refers to the way things move across a place.

-Linear Movement: How far over the earth something travels.

-Time Movement: Amount of time it takes for it to travel.

-Psychological Distance: The way people see the distance themselves.

Movement- How do people goods and ideas move from one place to another?

Traveling in Sweden is similar to that of the U.S.. There are over 200 airports in the country. It has very modern railroad systems, and these help people there travel all over Scandinavia. A popular city to visit because of the mild weather is Malmo. From the capital, Stockholm, it is 370 miles away. It would take 6 hours to drive there from Stockholm. Marstrand is another popular city for its sailing. It is also known to be like a Swedish Hollywood. It is 318 miles from Stockholm, and it would take 5 and a half hours to drive there by car from there. To me, Sweden seemed to be across the globe, but now that I have more knowledge, it seems closer to home.

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5 themes of geography- Sweden

By lex and amaiya