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Summary: Luke, a third child of his family, he is called a shadow child. A shadow child is a third, fourth, fifth, ect. child of a family and are illegal. The government said that a family is only aloud to have a maximum of two children because of their less food limits. All the trees were getting chopped down and houses were being build, therefore Luke was not aloud to leave the house. From the attic window, Luke saw a third child of the Sports family, so he looked at the sports family's schedule and went to the house as soon as they left, he went in and saw the girl and her name was Jen, she was planning to form a rally outside the presidents office saying all third, fourth, fifth, ect. child of a family should legal and have freedom. The rally was suppose to be in April. Luke thought it was crazy, so he decided not to go. The rally was suppose to be in April. Jen and forty other shadow

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Haddix: Among the Hidden

By Daniel