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General Gary Lee


Gamer: Achiever, Explorer, Killer, Socializer

Super Power: Discipline


Smarts: Self, Music, Nature

Freud: Ego

Jung: Hero, Father Figure

Coping Mechanisms: Rationalization, Assertiveness

Values: Discipline, Self-knowledge,

Most-liked actions: leading men into battle

Least-liked actions: repeating a task too simple

Reincarnation: General Gary Lee

Reincarnation: General Gary Lee

General Gary Lee fought in the cold war. The son of a Russian philosopher and an American opera singer, he was raised in the intellectual upper class of Saint Petersburg until 12. After moving to Alabama to live with his mother, he had a hard time fitting in with the US citizens, looking at this new stranger with Argus Panoptes. But by the time civil war started, he had already made a name as a strategic chess masterplayer and he was asked to serve for the Confederate Flag. After winning five straight battles at Fredericksburg, Petersburg, Bull Run, Gettysburg and Chancelorsville, General Gary Lee and his troops got surrounded by two armies. Having seen too many of his troops die already, he negotiated a surrender.

General Gary Lee and his family moved to the quiet mountains of Vermont, where he wrote his famous book series “Tiny Tim” and “The Masked Men”. Lee was 60 when he moved to Lausanne, Suisse, where he wrote three symphonies. Lee was struck by lightning while having a picknick with his family on top of La Salève. He died instantly, age 67.

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General Gary Lee Profile

By Reeppp

KTB2 Persoonlijk Profiel General Gary Lee