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Apply Online

It’s an online form with a set of basic question that evaluate the minimum requirements for students to become members. It has question for applicants to present themselves and show their motivation why they want to be part of the organization

Group Dynamics

Evaluation through a group activity where the members of the group are given a certain situation with directions they need to follow, and they have to act according to it, and present a conclusion of the group in the given time.

Selection Interviews

It’s an interview with the aim to get to know applicants better, and to set and clear out straight expectations between both sides.

Member Allocation and Induction

Members who made it through the stages of selection are officially inducted and are assigned roles to the members

Selection Procedures for the Global Leaders Program

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AIESEC in Albania | Fall Recruitment Guidelines Booklet

By CarlChiang

Mindset guidelines for Recruitment and Selection Team for Fall Global Leader Recruitment