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Connection to huckleberry Finn
・Huck is a motherless child and he does not have any parents because his dad is always gone and he has no real connection to him. Therefore in this even when him and Jim ran away together, Huck developments a sense of security and family
・Families were separated from each other and an example of this is Jim. Jim is slave and he runs away when he hears that Mrs.Watson is going to sell him to New Orleans, where he'll be separated from his family. Jim does not want to be separated from his family because he loves them. This surprises Huck when Jim tells him and he says,"I do believe he cares just as much for his people as the white folks does for their'n. It doesn't seem natural but I reckon it's so" because he realizes that Jim loves his family just as much as a white man does for his.
・Jim is a slave and he wants to be free from slavery so he can return to his family. He also wants to buy the freedom of his family so they can be together again.