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How is a Force Measured?


A Force is Measured In Newtons

Newtons are the international measurement of force. Newtons were named after Isaac Newton the famous scientist who studied and created the laws of force.

Newtons will be shown like on the top picture.
The bottom picture shows how to write the newtons of force. You write the number of newtons followed by a Capitol N to show that it is in Newtons.

If the forces are working against each other you should subtract the smaller force from the larger one. It will look like the picture below.

50 newtons to the right would be the final net force.

Net Force

You can think of newtons as pounds of pressure, or miles per hour that a car goes. When the cars are the same weight the one that is going fastest will pull the other car with it.

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Nifty Notes On Force

By Mason Handsford
