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What makes those questions important?

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What is the size of the country's area?

What is the population of the country?

How well educated and united is it's population?

How productive is the country's economy?

What are the country's physical features?

How large and well equipped are it's armed forces?

This shows how much land a country has to work with, and how much land they were able to claim in the past.

This shows how many possible workers there are in the country and how many people are being supported by its production.

The literacy rate shows how many people have the skills for most jobs. The unity of the country shows any threats to its sovereignty.

This shows how well the country can defend itself in wars, or if it could easily be decimated by another country in a war.

This shows a country's natural resources, and how easily civilization can expand. Development is tough in mountain or desert.

This shows the money produced by the country, and the tax it collects. The more money a government has the more active it is.

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Balance of Power

By Orb0020

Owen Brasseaux 6th