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Why is interNational Polar Bear Day important?

International Polar Bear Day is important because polar bears are living in the arctic ice that is melting now and then. More and more snow / ice is going away and then polar bears won't have anywhere else to stay. Their climate will be gone, and some scientists say that polar bears will be extinct in the next 50 years. Most of them even say that they will get extinct in the next 20 years! A polar bear is a very unique kind of animal. It's the only kind of bear that chose to live in the Arctic in the North Pole. They are cousins to grizzly bears, but polar bears are the most largest of all bears. Their feet can grow bigger then 1 foot! They are very dangerous white creatures.
If we don't want them to be extinct, we can all help by stopping their climate melting into icy cold water day by day getting worse every minute. These polar bears are very special to us. ( mostly of us ). We can all help these polar bears to survive in the wild.......

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International polar bear day

By Rudy