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After the ultimate betrayal, what is more important: trust or forgiveness? In KEEP NO SECRETS, the controversial follow-up to Compton's debut legal thriller TELL NO LIES, a district attorney struggles to redeem himself after a one-night stand four years before damaged his marriage and professional reputation.

After surviving the private and public fallout from a one-night stand four years before, St. Louis DA Jack Hilliard wants nothing more than to be trusted again by his wife, Claire, and to earn back the respect of the community he serves. Since the day Claire accepted him back into the family, he's vowed to be true to these goals, and so far he's succeeded.

But all of Jack's efforts begin to crumble when the woman involved in his earlier downfall, Jenny Dodson, returns to town claiming threats on her life and asking for his help, and resurrecting for Jack long-buried emotions and questions of her guilt for the murder of a client. Just when he thinks the pressure can't get any worse, his son's girlfriend, Celeste, accuses him of sexual assault, and he suddenly finds himself on the wrong end of a criminal case, battling for his freedom.

Can Jack trust his freedom to the legal system on which he built his career? Or will the ghost of his one-night stand four years before come back to haunt him, causing him to be convicted on the mistakes of his past?

I hadn't read Tell No Lies but this looked fantastic so I jumped straight in. I loved it!l Compton sure can spin a story and I loved her characterisation. Jack is flawed but likeable. I wonder if I'd have thought less of him if I'd read Tell No Lies first? Maybe not. He is a more realistic good guy than those that never put a foot wrong.

Like crime, mystery, suspense or even just a gripping and tense read? Do check it out. One of my favourite reads this year.

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Reading wrap-up: August 25th

By Donna Brown

Mini-reviews of: -Weaponized -The Borgias -Living and Dying in Brick City -The Book of Woe -Keep No Secrets